All images are links to high resolution originals, if available.
2004-09-18 22:16:08
Forge shell with end cut off
2004-09-18 22:16:20
Forge shell with end cut off
2004-09-18 22:22:22
Forge shell with both ends cut out
2004-09-18 22:26:38
Forge shell with freshly cut kiln shelf inside
2004-09-18 22:27:45
Forge shell with freshly cut kiln shelf inside
2004-09-18 22:27:57
Forge shell with freshly cut kiln shelf inside
2004-09-18 22:32:37
Forge shell on stand
2004-09-18 22:32:54
Forge shell stand
2004-09-18 22:33:08
Forge shell stand
2004-09-18 22:33:34
Forge shell, sandblasted, on stand, with kiln shelf
2004-09-18 22:33:54
Forge shell, sandblasted, on stand, with kiln shelf
2004-09-19 18:16:38
Forge with legs and kiln shelf
2004-09-19 18:16:57
Forge legs, from below
2004-09-19 18:17:15
Centerline marked on forge shell
2004-09-20 21:59:42
Forge with elaborate clamping system for the handle.
2004-09-20 22:00:00
Elaborate clamping system for the handle
2004-09-20 22:00:22
Forge with freshly welded handle
2004-09-20 22:00:39
Freshly welded handle
2004-10-02 18:37:03
Detail of welded legs
2004-10-02 18:37:17
Detail of welded legs
2004-10-02 18:37:39
Partial burner in front of forge
2004-10-02 18:37:54
Partial burner in front of forge
2004-10-02 18:42:46
Burner mount tube with thumb screws
2004-10-02 18:42:59
Burner mount tube with thumb screws
2004-10-02 18:43:27
Burner mount tube with thumb screws, next to complete burner with choke
2004-10-02 18:44:01
Series of holes drilled from the burner mount tube
2004-10-02 18:44:13
Series of holes drilled from the burner mount tube
2004-10-02 18:44:39
Gaping, jagged hole for the burner mount tube
2004-10-02 18:44:59
Smooth hole for the burner mount tube
2004-10-02 18:46:12
Forge with burner mount tube welded on
2004-10-02 18:46:47
Forge with burner mount tube welded on
2004-10-02 18:47:05
Noir forge with burner mount tube welded on
2004-10-02 18:47:19
Forge with burner mount tube welded on
2004-10-02 18:47:31
Forge with burner mount tube welded on
2004-10-10 14:00:55
Assembled propane plumbing on the workbench
2004-10-10 14:01:41
Burner test: tank behind the BBQ
2004-10-10 14:02:22
Burner test: burner clamped to kiln shelf clamped to stool
2004-10-10 14:03:33
Burner test: burner clamped to kiln shelf clamped to stool
2004-10-10 14:04:28
Burner test: burner nozzle burned clean after the first test
2004-10-10 14:05:25
Burner test: stable flame with choke full open, after drilling out the apperture
2004-10-10 14:05:46
Burner test: stable flame with choke full open, after drilling out the apperture
2004-10-10 14:06:03
Burner test: stable flame with choke full open, after drilling out the apperture
2004-10-10 20:34:33
Fishy applying Rigidizer to the bulkheads
2004-10-10 20:34:47
Fishy applying Rigidizer to the bulkheads
2004-10-10 20:35:02
Fishy applying Rigidizer to the bulkheads
2004-10-10 20:35:22
Fishy applying Rigidizer to the bulkheads
2004-10-10 20:35:42
Freshly painted forge shell
2004-10-13 05:06:13
Forge with second coat of paint
2004-10-13 05:06:35
Forge with second coat of paint
2004-10-13 05:11:23
Forge enclosures after firing
2004-10-18 00:30:30
Forge with kaowool blanket installed
2004-10-18 00:30:57
Forge with kaowool blanket installed
2004-10-18 00:31:51
Forge with kaowool blanket and ITC-100 applied
2004-10-18 00:32:41
Forge with kaowool blanket and ITC-100 applied, rear view
2004-10-18 00:33:48
Forge with kaowool blanket and ITC-100 applied and front enclosure in place
2004-10-20 03:33:29
My shiny new hammer, fresh out of the box
2004-10-21 18:35:10
Forge set up for first burn test
2004-10-21 18:37:32
Forge set up for first burn test
2004-10-21 18:38:46
Forge set up for first burn test
2004-10-21 18:39:13
Forge set up for first burn test
2004-10-21 18:39:33
First burn test
2004-10-21 18:39:48
First burn test
2004-10-21 18:40:05
First burn test
2004-10-21 18:40:35
First burn test
2004-10-21 18:41:23
First burn test
2004-10-26 22:17:30
Final curing heat
2004-10-26 22:18:11
Final curing heat
2004-10-26 22:19:05
Final curing heat
2004-10-26 22:19:34
Final curing heat: burner detail
2004-10-26 22:19:54
Final curing heat: sidewall detail
2004-10-26 22:20:44
Final curing heat: heating metal
2004-10-26 22:21:09
Final curing heat: heated metal on rail
2004-10-26 22:21:41
Forge on newly assembled stand
2004-10-26 22:23:15
Forge on newly assembled stand
2004-10-26 22:24:21
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:24:41
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:24:56
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:25:11
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:25:42
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:27:52
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:36:04
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:36:32
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil: hardie and pritchell holes
2004-10-26 22:36:57
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil: horn
2004-10-26 22:37:10
The newly acquired (but not at all new) Dockrey Family anvil
2004-10-26 22:37:34
Anvil with forge on stand
2004-11-01 13:09:55
corvi at the anvil
2004-11-01 13:14:28
corvi at the forge, looking through closeup
2004-11-01 13:15:42
Pointy rod on the anvil
2004-11-01 13:16:54
Broken front enclosure bits
2004-11-01 13:17:19
Forge with missing front enclosure
2004-11-01 13:17:45
Front enclosure bits wired back into place
2004-11-01 13:18:21
Fishy at the forge, working on tongs
2004-11-01 13:18:50
Tongs heating in the forge
2004-11-01 13:19:13
Fishy peening the tongs rivet
2004-11-01 13:21:37
Fishy arranging rod to forge tong grips
2004-11-01 13:22:18
Tongs in the forge, while corvi and Fish work out rod arrangement
2004-11-01 13:25:00
Fishy hammering tongs to shape
2004-11-01 13:27:01
Fishy quenching tongs
2004-11-01 13:27:35
Fishy examining finished tongs
2004-11-01 13:28:11
Steaming, out of focus tong jaws
2004-11-01 13:29:28
Cow heating rod
2004-11-01 13:29:54
Cow heating rod, looking through forge
2004-11-01 13:30:24
Cow working on the horn of the anvil
2004-11-01 13:33:17
Cow working on the horn of the anvil.
2004-11-01 13:33:59
Cow working on the horn of the anvil.
2004-11-01 13:34:22
Cow working on the horn of the anvil.
2004-11-01 13:35:00
Cow with finished crook thing
2004-11-01 13:36:01
Crook thing heating in forge, closeup
2004-11-01 13:36:40
Cow quenching his crook thing
2004-11-01 13:37:07
Cow quenching his crook thing
2004-11-01 13:38:03
corvi heating cable
2004-11-01 13:38:17
corvi heating cable
2004-11-01 13:39:48
corvi hammering on cable
2004-11-01 13:40:18
Flames shooting out of forge during cable heat
2004-11-01 13:46:13
Fishy drawing out a rod section on the horn
2004-11-01 13:47:26
Fihsy drawing out rod section
2004-11-01 13:47:54
Fishy drawing out rod section
2004-11-01 13:48:29
Fishy heating rod
2004-11-01 13:48:54
Fishy bending rod
2004-11-01 13:49:17
Fishy bending end of coat hook
2004-11-01 13:49:37
corvi working on mess of cable
2004-11-01 13:50:40
corvi heating cable
2004-11-01 13:51:00
Finished coat hook
2004-11-01 13:51:18
Finished coat hook
2004-11-01 13:51:37
corvi working on cable mess
2004-11-01 13:52:19
Finished coat hook
2004-11-01 13:52:34
Finished coat hook and tongs
2004-11-01 13:55:14
corvi with pointy rod
2004-11-14 10:40:46
Anvil on incomplete anvil stand
2004-11-14 10:41:04
Anvil on incomplete anvil stand, forge
2004-11-14 10:41:21
Anvil on incomplete anvil stand, forge
2004-11-14 10:41:42
Anvil on incomplete anvil stand
2004-11-14 10:42:09
Anvil on finished anvil stand
2004-11-14 10:42:24
Anvil on finished anvil stand
2004-11-14 20:31:59
First forge burn
2004-11-23 00:25:10
Coathook in position
2004-11-23 00:26:21
Coathook in position
2004-11-23 00:27:39
Refrigerator door handle installed
2004-11-23 00:28:16
Refrigerator door handle installed
2004-11-23 00:28:39
Refrigerator door handle installed
2004-11-23 00:29:32
Refrigerator door handle installed
2004-11-23 00:29:56
Refrigerator door handle installed, door open
2004-12-04 15:18:12
Chris at thr anvil, drawing out his coathook
2004-12-04 15:19:09
Chris at the anvil, drawing out his coathook
2004-12-04 15:19:49
Chris at the forge
2004-12-04 15:20:13
Forge with new front enclosure restraint
2004-12-04 15:20:46
Forge with new front enclosure restraint
2004-12-04 15:21:00
Forge with new front enclosure restraint
2004-12-04 15:21:51
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-04 15:22:02
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-04 15:22:12
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-04 15:22:23
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-04 15:22:33
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-04 15:22:44
Freshly made hardie fullering tool
2004-12-15 19:32:51
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-15 19:33:10
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-15 19:33:29
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-15 19:33:39
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-15 19:34:47
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-15 19:35:22
Scale on vertical support for first sundial
2004-12-16 22:59:50
corvi's blade: annealed
2004-12-16 23:00:07
corvi's blade: annealed
2004-12-16 23:00:27
corvi's blade: annealed
2004-12-16 23:00:46
corvi's blade: feet
2004-12-16 23:01:13
corvi's blade: partally ground
2004-12-16 23:01:39
corvi's blade: partially ground
2004-12-16 23:01:54
corvi's blade: partially ground
2004-12-16 23:02:19
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:02:33
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:02:46
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:03:06
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:03:18
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:03:32
corvi's blade: ground
2004-12-16 23:04:41
corvi with ground blade
2004-12-16 23:04:57
corvi with ground blade
2004-12-16 23:05:24
Tempering lines from partial quenching heat
2004-12-16 23:05:47
Tempering lines from partial quenching heat
2004-12-16 23:06:09
corvi with quenched blade
2004-12-16 23:06:30
corvi with quenched blade
2004-12-16 23:06:45
corvi with quenched blade
2004-12-16 23:07:36
corvi with tempered blade
2004-12-16 23:09:10
Fishy's second forge burn
2004-12-17 15:13:49
T-nut bolt stock
2005-01-05 01:04:24
Finished sundial #1
2005-01-05 01:05:02
Finished sundial #1
2005-01-05 01:05:16
Finished sundial #1
2005-01-05 01:05:42
Finished sundial #1, in situ
2005-01-05 01:05:58
Finished sundial #1, in situ
2005-01-05 01:06:18
Finished sundial #1, in situ
2005-01-05 01:06:38
Finished sundial #1, in situ
2005-03-28 17:25:01
Coathook at work, in use
2005-03-28 17:25:13
Coathook at work
2005-03-28 17:40:26
Second sundial
2005-03-28 17:40:48
Second sundial
2005-03-28 17:41:08
Second sundial
2005-03-28 17:41:36
Linda and Pat with legvise
2005-03-28 17:42:06
Legvise as it was found
2005-03-28 17:42:27
Legvise, as it was found
2005-03-28 17:43:49
Disassembled legvise parts
2005-04-10 14:11:26
Stripped and painted legvise
2005-04-10 14:11:43
Stripped and painted legvise
2005-04-10 14:11:59
Stripped and painted legvise
2005-04-30 21:53:39
Legvise with new leaf spring
2005-04-30 21:54:12
Legvise with new leaf spring
2005-04-30 21:54:29
Legvise with new leaf spring
2005-04-30 21:54:45
Legvise with new leaf spring
2005-05-01 21:17:08
Completed legvise stand
2005-05-01 21:17:33
Horrible welds on the legvise stand
2005-05-01 21:17:52
Horrible welds on the legvise stand
2005-05-01 21:22:34
Legvise mounted to complete stand
2005-05-01 21:22:59
Legvise mounted to complete stand
2005-05-02 20:58:51
My scrapheap
2005-05-24 12:50:18
Suspension coils found at Boeing Surplus
2006-01-11 18:25:38
Forge set up for smithing at Longest Night 2005
2006-01-11 18:25:12
corvi in pirate hat smithing at Longest Night 2005
2006-01-11 18:24:34
corvi in pirate hat smithing at Longest Night 2005
2006-01-11 18:24:15
corvi in pirate hat smithing at Longest Night 2005
2006-12-18 13:17:35
Suspension coil, straightened section, machete blade blank
2006-12-18 13:18:08
Machete blade blank
2006-12-18 13:18:37
Machete blade blank
2006-12-18 13:19:38
Machete blade clamped down being filed
2006-12-18 13:20:23
Machete blade clamped down being filed
2006-12-18 13:21:38
Machete blade after filing
2006-12-18 13:22:56
Machete blade after filing
2006-12-18 13:23:37
Machete blade after filing
2006-12-18 13:25:22
Filed machete blade with pile of chips
2006-12-18 13:26:31
Clay slip drying on the machete blade
2006-12-18 13:27:01
Clay slip drying on the machete blade
2006-12-18 16:34:27
Clay hamon strips drying on the machete blade
2006-12-18 16:34:52
Clay hamon strips drying on the machete blade
2006-12-18 16:35:52
Finished machete
2006-12-18 16:36:24
Finished machete
2006-12-22 13:25:48
Finished machete
2006-12-22 13:26:16
Finished machete
2006-12-22 13:26:35
Finished machete
2006-12-22 13:26:53
Finished machete
2006-12-22 13:27:05
Finished machete
2007-01-30 13:35:08
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 13:37:43
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:06:18
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:15:09
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:18:23
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:24:25
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:30:30
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 14:33:05
Forge being fired up
2007-01-30 15:03:39
Glowing forge and juicebox
2007-02-04 20:24:16
Amy lighting the forge
2007-02-04 20:25:10
Amy lighting the forge
2007-02-04 20:26:06
Amy lighting the forge
2007-02-04 20:27:01
View down the burner of the forge
2007-02-04 20:36:41
Blade blank in the forge from behind
2007-02-04 20:37:30
Blade blank in the forge from behind
2007-02-04 20:39:07
Hammer striking glowing iron edge on
2007-02-04 20:40:19
Hammer striking glowing iron edge on
2007-02-04 20:42:50
Glowing iron in the forge
2007-02-04 20:43:40
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:44:38
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:45:31
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:46:57
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:47:49
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:48:52
Amy hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:49:52
Amy hammering at the anvil, Fish in background
2007-02-04 20:53:27
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:54:57
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 20:56:13
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 20:58:04
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 20:58:51
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 21:00:44
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 21:04:11
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 21:04:57
Flying hammerscale closeup
2007-02-04 21:06:04
Flying hammerscale closeup -- good
2007-02-04 21:07:52
Flying hammerscale closeup -- good
2007-02-04 21:08:44
Flying hammerscale closeup -- good
2007-02-04 21:12:02
Hammer hitting glowing iron
2007-02-04 21:13:27
Hammer resting on anvil
2007-02-04 21:14:28
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 21:15:21
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 21:16:17
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 21:17:15
Fish hammering at the anvil
2007-02-04 21:18:22
Fish hammering at the anvil